Tuesday, 8 May 2012


  • There are many reasons why we choose to wear
    a particular article or style of clothing. Many of us
    consider our choice in clothing as an extension of
    our identity. While many others pick items from
    their wardrobe that reflect their current mood.
    There are also many times when we choose to dress a certain way in anticipation of being in a
    particular social setting. Even people who don’t
    seem to bother with matching clothes or
    wearing a designer label or walk around
    wearing clothes that are torn and dirty, are
    making a statement. What remains to be examined is whether or not there is a clear
    relationship between the clothing we wear and
    our social interactions.To walk with your head up high, I will recomend you to u&a klodin.u&a,unik klodes 4 unik Pple

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